Technical Services
Audio Visual Installation and Service
MCT can provide you with the latest Audio Visual Solutions. Gaining in popularity, the technology provides environments like schools and board rooms and meeting rooms (amongst many applications), the ability to communicate using internal Local Area Network equipment and Broadband Internet technologies for presentation, discussion and interaction of all types of information in an integrated and seemlessly. Smart White Boards, Video Projectors, Hand writing and gestural recognition systems, and smart control software all form this environment. Cables required are CAT6 (our recommended cable for data speed rates), audio specific cables, coaxial cables , VGA video cabling, USB cables all forming the typical environment and we can supply and install it and service it.
We have extensive experience in the design, installation and servicing of audio visual equipment and have designed and installed turn key A/V solutions for a large number of commercial customers. This equipment is becoming a necessity for Schools, Clubs, Nursing Homes and Hospitals, Auditoriums and Corporate board rooms.
- MATV/CCTV/Smart Whiteboards, Projectors, Public Address , Audio and Video distribution networks.
- Audio Telex - Public Address Amplifiers
- NEC and Epsom – Whiteboards, Smartboards and Video Projectors
- Australian Monitor – Power Supplies and Amplifiers
- Hitachi – Whiteboards and Smartboards
- Scion MATV CAT 6 audio visual distribution systems
- Data and MATV across Optical Fibre networks.
- FreeView TV antennas and coaxial cabling.
Vital Care Installation and Service
In today Nursing homes and retirement villages, OH&S and duty of care of residents is crucial and the tools you require to provide due care are varied. Things like an alert system, bed sensors, nurse pocket pagers, wall displays, pendant and wall alert press buttons and the specialized cabling required interconnecting of these things. Applications away from Hospitals and Nursing Homes are in industries where employees working at their workplace unsupervised, out of work hours or when direct supervision cannot be provided. If an accident occurs injuring the worker, then the worker can signal for assistance by the use of a fixed duress button or pendant worn by the worker.
We can design, install and service Vital Care Nurse Call and duress equipment. These systems are modular and can be expanded as required. The technology is varied and becoming feature rich and the range of Vital Care equipment is Australian made.
- Fixed wall buttons
- Wireless Pendants
- Central Control Equipment, transmitter/receivers and dialers
- Wall displays and Alert Displays
- Antennas and Wireless Repeaters
- Coverage Surveys and design
- Installation and servicw support
Telephone Systems NEC and Siemens Installation and Service
We can supply and install and service almost any brand of telephone system. We regularly relocate telephone system equipment and peripherals for customers moving premises and we take a consultative and coordinative approach to relocations as the Carriers, Electricians, Builders and other IT people are usually involved and each have their own delivery methods and lead times. It’s important to be able to plan the moving of your I.T. assets and our want is to understand your end needs and meet your dealines.
We are NEC and Siemens equipment suppliers and are factory trained and supported. Both NEC and Siemens offer very high quality and feature rich and scalable telephony equipment. NEC and Siemens offer conventional ‘TDM’ and newer ‘VoIP’ technologies. Presently VoIP technology is surging ahead in sales because it can offer significant cost reduction in deployment and servicing, can be centrally managed (If Multi-site) and the consolidated use of in-place data cabling.
Both NEC and Siemens offer traditional TDM voice technologies and the very advanced IP telephony products. This equipment can be wall mounted or rack mounted and is scalable and customizable to your capacity and features you need. The IP capability being IP telephones and IP or SIP lines and IP inter-site networking and the integration of all or a mix of these technologies makes the NEC and Siemens products extremely future proof and a sound investment for your business and we stock it, because it works.
- Equipment Sales
- Maintenance
- Relocations, de-install and re-install.
- Capacity Expansions.
- Carrier Interfacing. ISDN/PSTN/IP Trunks/SIP
- NEC Products:
- Siemens Products
- 3750
- 3800
- Older telephone systems, we are service capable but on application only.
Radio Installation and Electronic Repair
We have a fully equipped electronics repair laboratory and can repair faults on most types of radio equipment incuding power supplies, coaxial cabling and antennas.
- Simoco
- Tait
- Kenwood
- Kyodo
- Power Supplies
- External Speakers
- Coaxial cabling
- Power cabling
- Mobile telephone car kits and antennas
- Radio accessories, microphones etc
We have a fully equipped workshop for the installation of radio equipment into vehicles. We can provide and install mobile telephone car kits and radios and antennas
Radio Repeater Design Installation and Repair
Let us design and install and service your radio solution. We offer the most up-to-date digital/IP radio solutions available on the market today
On-Call Equipment Maintenance and Support
We offer 24/7 on-call fault repairs (Fee-For-Service) and offer Service Agreements which ensures your equipment fault is responded to quickly and serviced to a high standard.
Cabling Design, Installation and performance certification and repair
- TE Connect Certified Master Installers and Master designer
- Molex – Certified Installers and designers
- CAT5/5e, CAT6/6a and CAT 7 and Optical Fibre cabling, splicing and jointing.
- Structured cable design and installation and manufacturer certification.
- In-Field cable installation and repairs.
- Data Rack Cabinet sales, installation and repairs
- Patch Panels – Krone, Molex Clipsal sales, installation and repairs
- Wall Outlets and Patch Leads and Fly Leads – sales, installation and repairs.
- Underground and Aerial Cabling Design, Installation and Repairs
Broadband and Local Area Networking Service Testing and Support
- Data Equipment Sales and Service
- Data Switches
- 10/100/1000
- Router Equipment
- Wireless Routers
- Data Switches
- UPS and Power Supplies
- Batteries, testing and general maintenanceBroadband Internet service testing and repairs.
- Modem Programming and set up.
- Fixed copper cable testing, repairing and performance analysis (TDR)